by Sally Stone | Feb 1, 2016 | autosuggestion, family constellations, inner victory, inner war, objectify negativity, positive thinking, Visualization |
Words of the Month Success, Victory, Triumph By the time we’re adults, we’ve had millions of interactions with countless people. Some people support our goals and some people don’t. I bet you can recall a person who made you feel like you could accomplish anything....
by Sally Stone | Oct 27, 2014 | autosuggestion, hypnosis, pleasant memories, revivify, self-hypnosis, Uncategorized |
Recalling Pleasant Memories Can you recall a time when you last felt carefree? Do you have pleasant memories of that light-hearted state where you felt completely free of cares? Or do you think being carefree is only for lucky kids, who have few obligations but to...
by Sally Stone | Aug 9, 2014 | autosuggestion, hypnosis, positive thinking, Uncategorized, Visualization |
By Sally Stone Today I was talking to my hair stylist, who laid out a large plastic sheet on my kitchen floor, then set up a stool for me to sit on. I wrapped my big brown towel over my shoulders and closed my eyes. Getting a haircut, like hypnosis, is so relaxing. My...