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Golden Words [ˈɡōldən wərds]:

Positive words used intentionally
improve your life and the way you feel.

Reason #1: You’ll feel better.

Try this—next time you look in the mirror listen to what you’re thinking about yourself. If it’s not nice, become aware of how that feels. When you catch yourself thinking something unkind toward yourself, notice something good about yourself and change it to something positive.

Reason #2: To achieve your goals faster.

Do you coach yourself to achieve your goals with positive words or do you surrender to the voices in your head that say you can’t do it? If you coach yourself along using golden words and phrases like “I can do this, I’ve got this, I can figure this out, I’m good at learning new things, I can fix this mistake,” and so forth you’re well on your way. If you say things like “I’m stupid, I’ll never be able to finish this, I’m too overwhelmed, I can’t figure this out,” then you probably won’t. Coach yourself with golden words.

Reason #3: To replace negative voices in your head with positive ones.

Everyone has memories of people who encouraged them and people that didn’t. Successful people learn how to filter out the discouraging voices and let the encouraging voices guide them to their goals.

Take out a piece of paper and write down your goal. Directly underneath your goal statement write down all the positive thoughts that propel you toward your goal. Directly underneath your positive thoughts, write down all the negative ideas you’ve heard from others that keep you from your goal. Now fold the paper so that all you see are the positive thoughts. Each time a negative thought arises, draw a line through it and find a positive thought to replace it. With practice, you’ll replace the negative voices with positive ones.

Reason #4: To give yourself specific feedback

We all make mistakes. It’s inevitable. But what we do in the moment determines whether we complete our task or give up.

When you make a mistake do you say, “I’m stupid, that was dumb, I’m not good at this,” and other general statements describing yourself as incompetent?

Instead of making a general, negative statement about your character, give yourself specific feedback. For example, I see I made this mistake because I was doing two things at once and wasn’t focused enough. Or, I would have done better if I’d scanned the manual first. I’ll do that next time. Next time I will use a calculator. Or, next time I’ll ask for help from someone who’s done this before.

Reason #5: You’ll like yourself better.

If you’re treating yourself in a way that you would never accept from another person, chances are you experience an undercurrent of self-loathing. When you begin treating yourself w
ith kindness and working toward your goals in a positive direction, you’ll experience a level of peace, well-being, and satisfaction you didn’t know was possible.

Reason #6: You’ll attract support.

When you’ll become the cheerleader of your own life, others feel it and want to chime in. People like to walk alongside other people who’ve overcome challenges, succeeded at breaking through barriers, and follow their dreams.


For more information and tips on using Golden Words for positive change:

Happy New Year from Wisdom Heart!

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Focus on Success Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti, Success Sign by scottchan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


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