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By Sally Stone

Unless you have a quiet yogi mind, you’re busy talking to others and yourself all day long. What is the quality of your thoughts during all these interactions? Do your thoughts make you feel good? Or, do your thoughts make you feel bad?  Do your thoughts help ySelf Hypnosis Gameou create a better life? Or, do your thoughts stop you in your tracks?

Think about your thought patterns in terms of goals you’d like to attain. How much time do you spend imagining yourself having attained that goal, which feels uplifting, joyful, freeing, and self-affirming? How much time do you spend hanging out with doubts, fears, pessimism and other roadblocks, which feels hopeless and sad?

If you’re a normal human who experiences ups and downs, you probably experience roadblocks along the way. if you’re really good at achieving your goals, you continue one breath at a time until you’ve attained your goal while enjoying the scenery along the way.

Back to our thoughts. All these thoughts we repeat to ourselves all day long are called autosuggestions.  A “suggestion” is something someone tells you while you’re in a trance state; an “autosuggestion” is something you tell yourself. (If you’re interested in reading more about autosuggestions, click here for Emile Coué’s work from 1922 on Autosuggestion).

We’re often in a light trance state, relaxed and staring into space while we’re at the computer or watching TV. That’s when we’re most susceptible to taking in suggestions from ads or even computer postings. If someone you care about or who “en-trances you” gives you a suggestion, you most likely take that suggestion in and swallow it whole. Yes, some people put us in a trance state very easily.

The more you repeat the suggestion to yourself, the stronger your habit for continuing that thought pattern. Voila! You’ve created a mental routine, which defines your life. If you like that mental pattern, great! If you don’t, play this game with me.

Advance Your Goals With A Game
Breaking out of a mental habit takes practice.  However, we’re creative beings at heart, and we’ve learned from brain plasticity research that our minds and bodies are quite malleable. So let’s play a game to change a mental habit for the better. You can play this game any time you’re cleaning. Maybe you’re cleaning the house or your car, maybe you’re cleaning the dishes and kitchen sink after dinner. Or maybe you’re cleaning the birdbath, which I’m about to do, or clean up your gardening tools. Anything’s game.

Clean-Up Time: A Self-hypnosis game
Start with a deep breath in and hold that breath for a few seconds.  Now gently release that breath. Repeat 2 more times, then let your breath slow down naturally, feeling calm and relaxed. Feel yourself snug against your chair, relaxed and calm. Excellent. Now you’re in a state of light hypnosis, ready for giving yourself autosuggestions.

While you clean, imagine each dustball, piece of dirt, food particle, etc. as a roadblock or emotion you perceive as in the way of reaching your goal.  As you clean up this block, allow yourself to look and acknowledge it. Maybe a person told you something that made you feel you can’t achieve your goal. Maybe you have a physical symptom you’d like to release. Maybe you have memories that bother you.

Whatever it is, watch those worries, concerns, fears, pessimisms, other feelings or roadblocks go up the vacuum, down the drain, onto your Swiffer pad, hosed far away or flushed down the toilet. Gone. Disappeared. Forgotten.


When the item is gone, enjoy the clean surface and allow that surface to reflect your goal clearly. In fact, imagine for a moment that you can see your future in the shiny, clean surface —like a crystal ball. Imagine the people there who cheer you on. Imagine events taking place that you’ll experience as your goal manifests. Feel how it feels to have succeeded. See it in full color. Feel it, hear it, touch it, taste it, smell it. Know it. Be it.

This process can bring joy and purpose to the mundane act of cleaning. For as you clean all the dirty dishes, sweep away all the dustballs, and wash away all the tracked in mud from your environment, you create mental habits to support your goals.

Try it and see if you can feel the difference.Wisdom Heart Logo

Your feedback is important to me. Please leave a comment below to share how this process works for you. 

If you would like assistance for a session for setting intentions you’d like to see come alive in your life, please contact me at support@drsallystone.com. Click on this link to read more about what to expect in your sessions with me.

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