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“When you do things
from your soul,
you feel a river of joy
inside you.

~ Rumi

What Clients Are Saying

Life Between Lives Regression

Over the years, I’ve felt a quiet pull guiding me deeper into my spiritual practice. I would receive different cues, profound feelings of “knowing” that left me both curious and searching for ways to confirm and understand them. In 2022, I embarked on a deep journey of healing from my childhood, questioning why I’d chosen this particular path, with these particular people, in this life. My purpose felt elusive, as if just out of reach. To find clarity, I began exploring modalities like Reiki and NLP.

Then, in the winter of 2023, I came across Dr. Michael Newton’s books, Journey of Souls and Life Between Lives. As a Psychology graduate, I was fascinated by his research, especially since he began as a skeptic himself. His credibility resonated deeply, and I immediately trusted his findings. Compelled by this new sense of understanding, I visited Michael Newton’s website, where I found certified Life Between Lives practitioners. After meeting with two different providers, I was drawn to Sally.

From our first conversation, Sally’s empathy and talent as a guide were clear. She suggested I reflect on the questions I wanted to explore, and when we met for the session, she helped me refine these questions further. Her warmth and expertise created a safe, supportive space that allowed me to open up fully.

The Life Between Lives session was transformative. I went deeper than I could have anticipated, reaching a level of understanding I had only dreamed of. All the questions I had—along with the “knowing” I had always felt but couldn’t confirm—came into sharp focus. My purpose for being here, the choices of people in my life, and the direction I’m meant to follow became undeniably clear.

This session left me with a profound sense of grounding and confidence in myself. With this new clarity, I found myself empowered to take action on dreams and ideas I had long kept in the background. I ended a relationship that no longer aligned with my path, increased my volunteer efforts with Planned Parenthood, escorting patients, pursued my dream MBA program (and was admitted), and even became a finalist for a prestigious scholarship directly connected to the purpose my spirit guide shared with me. This experience has made me feel safer in my own body and more grounded as I move through the world.

Sally is a remarkable guide, and I’m deeply grateful for the experience. Working with her has brought lasting clarity and peace. I look forward to visiting her again in the future as I continue to evolve on my path.

Nicole C.

Business Executive

Breakthrough Session

My session with Sally was truly a gift.
She is a gifted healer and teacher and guide. I would not hesitate to send any soul to her. She is a masterful midwife at reorganizing Self-order.

Life Between Lives (LBL) Session

Sally's LBL hypnotherapy process was a timeless, safe, deep, and gentle experience. Sally guided me in a way that strengthened my trust in my guides. I received wisdom from my long-ago past, from birth to prior birth, and answers to my questions pertaining to my life now that brought me inner peace.

I was amazed at how Sally guided me to see and sense everything I needed, which is inside myself.

If you have questions about your life and soul purpose, past, present, and future, Sally can support you in finding your way.

Elena Kaiser


Custom Coaching Package &
Book Coaching

I absolutely LOVED working with Sally. She is amazing in so many ways—kind, caring, non-judging, focused, knowledgeable, conscientious, detailed, extremely supportive, and a joy to work with. She has been my earthly-guardian-angel gently leading me out of the darkness and helping me get my wings back.

I worked with Sally as a hypnosis client, and she also coached me to publish my first book. She gracefully guided me through a difficult time in my life, restoring my confidence in myself and my ability to heal, and helped me to achieve greater balance in my life. Sally also guided me through the book creation process in a way that made it feel like an easy and joyful process—she was so skillful in keeping me on track but also giving me space to be me and progress at a pace that felt good for me, which I deeply appreciated. Writing my book with Sally’s guidance was part of my healing journey, and having her support was really life-saving for me.


Author, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Former NY Attorney

Dr. Stone smells like calm.
Better than chamomile tea.

8-year old yoga student

Past Life Regression

In my profession, I am blessed to be able to accompany and guide women and families through pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. Witnessing newborns take their first breath and then get settled in with their parents is a never-ending miracle for me. Sally's work brought me to a life and death experience of my own where I  suffered great loss and had near-impossible decisions to make.  She guided me through this the way that I guide women during labour-- giving just enough guidance so that I could find my own way. She helped me tap into my courage, let go of judgments and old ideas that no longer served me, and guide me to discover my own solutions with my inner resources.  Sally is a master of language, with a wealth of empathy, and the gifts of patience and insight. My deep, inner acceptance of my actions in the lifetime I saw has helped me to be more at peace and free from the need to make assessments about any particular event or moment as being 'good' or 'bad'.  Thank you for this magnificent gift, Sally!



Breakthrough Session

I suffer from major test anxiety and made a session appointment with Sally a few days before a big exam.. She led me through specific, effective, and personalized exercises that helped me to mentally prepare for the exam. Not only did I pass, but I felt relaxed while doing so! Since I had such a positive experience the first time, I made an another appointment to see Sally on the DAY of another important exam. When I arrived, I was on edge, stressed, and very anxious. She led me through visualization and breathing exercises that boosted my overall confidence level, and strengthened my ability to remain both calm and focused throughout the exam. I passed this one, too! Sally is truly a gift!"
Master's degree student

Custom Coaching Package

Sally was very helpful in getting me through a family crisis with grace and inspiration. 

Someone Influential (anonymous/confidential)

Custom Coaching Package

Sally is a gift. I found the hypnosis sessions with her incredibly relaxing, and that sense of calm carried back to my everyday life, which was and is quite hectic with three children and running my own business.


Executive Coach

Breakthrough Session

Sally crafted a very personalized session using skillful questioning in her interview to build a clear and insightful understanding of my needs. She listened well to both what I said and did not say, and then used what she learned to form a beautiful journey adrift on my raft rocking in the gentle waves of clear blue water on a sunny day, releasing my worries and floating in an amazing peacefulness.  Knowing my physical pain and how it was impacting my progress in healing, Sally guided me through an anesthetic visualization that I continue to use for pain relief today.


Special Education High School Teacher

Custom Coaching Package

Working with Sally helped me be in the flow, get rid of places where I felt stuck, and literally get me into the flow of my life. Once I got in the flow, I was able to take steps to move forward – get my podcasts out, write my book, and further myself professionally.


Tony Robbins' Coach

Past Life Regression

Prior to meeting with Sally, I was struggling under the weight of multiple chronic illness diagnoses. In addition to pain and symptoms from the illnesses, I was feeling completely trapped in the tsunami of life and losing the strength to continue treading water. I needed to find a way to understand what was happening in the present, and if it was somehow connected to anything in my past. I chose Sally to lead me on this journey because she has years of hypnosis work under her belt, and because I know her to be a highly intuitive and compassionate person. I also believed she would keep me safe during the regression.

I was right on all counts.

The first part of our session consisted of a friendly and thorough conversation about why I was seeking Sally’s help. She probed, we talked, and shared several laughs, which helped me relax (I had never had a hypnosis session before). Sally expertly guided me every step of the way. Her voice was gentle, yet firm, which allowed me to delve into my early life experiences while keeping me tethered to the present.

Thanks to her, I was able to re-experience memories of profound joy and love. This helped me reconnect to a place where I can heal within myself, and I’ve been watching this unfold in different ways since our session. One memory that resurfaced was receiving a bath as a baby, and how warm and cared for I felt. As a result, I am making an effort to turn shower time into an experience that is about truly caring for myself beyond just regular hygiene.

We also traveled back to my time in the womb, which was a most curious experience for me. I can still feel how odd it felt to have adult soul thoughts in fetus form! As I continued to explore the root cause of my main concern, Sally encouraged me to look deeper. Next thing I knew, I was off like a shot to a past life, and boy was it an unexpected one! Everything I saw there reminded me of the joy and connection I felt in that life, and illuminated how desperately I need to revitalize those feelings in my current one. It was also a great reminder to keep myself calm, cool, and in a flow-state as I navigate my ever-changing state of wellness.

Through my time with Sally, I was able to uncover and articulate my heartfelt mission from Spirit. In the subsequent unpacking of my experience, I’ve created daily rituals that retain the essence of love, joy, connection, and ease of my early and past lives. I am finding it easier to flow through challenging scenarios and am less snappy to others in my household. I feel lighter in so many ways, and would absolutely do it again! I wholeheartedly recommend Sally as your guide into hypnosis and past life regression.


Mindbody Medicine Woman

Past Life Regression

As a practitioner of a variety of healing modalities, including hypnosis, I am acutely aware of the challenges that I have letting go & truly allowing another human being to truly hold space for me. Dr. Sally is literally one of the very few practitioners that I would return to again & again for my own healing.  She was absolutely able to hold the most inviting, non-judgmental and open space for me to explore aspects of who I am (and my origins beyond this incarnation) with a depth that truly amazed me. 

The session gave me permission to believe the intuitions that I felt about who I am at soul level, and my purpose in this life because Sally (and our guides) led me to experience through my feelings & emotions a truth that cannot simply be known by the mental mind. She is masterful with working with spiritual guides. It was truly powerful and profoundly healing. The healing and the insights I received from the experience continue to unfold. 

For my healing and fulfillment & for the greatest good of the clients I serve, I intend to see Dr. Sally several times a year. Her presence is priceless, and I trust her to hold space for me to explore the strangest corners of my consciousness with respect & love. 

Anonymous Healer

Custom Coaching Package 

In December of 2015, I had my daughter. There were some complications towards the end of my pregnancy that restricted me to zero movement. As an emotional eater, I ate my feelings and quickly spiraled down a habitual, dark and unhealthy path. As a mom of two (two and under), and a wife traveling back and forth every other weekend for my husband's job, I was desperate to find a permanent solution.

Sally had recently released her book, and I purchased it immediately. To be so open and honest about her experiences made me realize that I too could make a change for the good, despite my lifelong habits of emotional eating and busy schedule. The first session with Sally was invigorating. Although I was resistant, and doubted whether I could find the time for meditations, clean eating, and sitting down for meals with my busy schedule, I felt hopeful and inspired.

During this session, Sally said something that resonated with me, and that I hear often when finding it difficult to slow down: I'm a role model for my kids.

My kids are watching me. What do they see? “Moms don't stop. Moms don't take breaks. Moms keep going. Moms don’t take care of themselves." Is this what I want them to be learning? NO!

We composed my first real, thought out, affirmation together. "I sit down to eat my meals. I chew my food, and enjoy it thoroughly. Yum!" This simple affirmation has completely changed my life, the way I conduct my days, and the quality of time I spend with my kids. I've gone from a mom who was constantly going and couldn't even find the time to spoon some yogurt, granola, and berries into a bowl, to a mom who gets our meals figured out, leaves the dishes where they are, and stops to enjoy those meals with my kids, because sitting and enjoying that QUALITY TIME with them is beyond important.

My little 2-year old man LOVES this time. Not only does he shout out, "Mommy eats breakfast with you!!!", but he is quite the conversationalist, and his table manners have improved. Even his food choices have changed because he wants to eat what mommy eats, and thank GOODNESS my eating habits have changed, too.

I started listening to Christian radio again, which used to be so important to me, but somewhere in the mix of life, got lost. Music is how I praise God, and this was HUGE for me to get in the car, and choose to turn to this station without a second thought. I also started taking the time to make healthier meals, while paying attention to the ingredients within the foods I was using. I felt thrilled to know that I was bettering myself and my family. The time wasn't even an issue.

One of the struggles experienced was with meditation. I had the hardest time being present. I would meditate on an amazing place, but experience it from outside of my body. Sally worked with me in great detail to compose the most perfect and personal hypnosis session I've ever experienced. After learning this technique from her, even while reading her book, Golden Words, I began experiencing each word, not just seeing the words. It was truly mind-blowing and beautiful what happened when the experience got personal.

My visualizations became clearer, and my prayers came alive. Prior to starting with Sally and even in that first session, I was a naysayer. It sounded beautiful, and I loved the idea, but I just didn't have the time. The truth is, however, that even though I stop more now, I accomplish more. Taking that time for me; even a minute to stop, breathe/meditate, and move on, focuses my energy and revitalizes my entire being.

Sally is an extremely passionate and knowledgeable individual, and that passion is contagious. She inspired me to look into health coaching because I believe so strongly in its power. Four months ago, I would have never seen myself here. Now, I cannot imagine a better way to have begun 2016. I am positive that anyone who is craving a true, life-altering change to occur will get that with Sally Stone.


Stay at home Mom

Custom Coaching Package &
Book Coaching

I was at a critical point in the writing of my book and the publishing process when I met Sally. Sally had already published her book and had great success. So, I reached out to her to be my book coach, but she quickly became much more than that, coaching me in many aspects of my life.

She provided the acceptance, accountability, and structure I so desperately needed to finish writing my book and get it published. She referred me to one of her amazing editors, which played a critical role in pulling it altogether for ease and flow while maintaining my unique voice.

Sally is a friend and confidante when I need it, and a firm and focused coach when I need to push past obstacles getting in my way. She's been a source of constant strength for me in one of the most difficult times and transitions of my life.

When I started coaching with Sally I was all over the place and totally disorganized. She provided the focus and structure I needed to give me the drive necessary to pursue my vision for my life. I am now in a great place because of Sally. I have much more peace, focus, and purpose.

My book is now published and, with her guidance, was the number one new release in three categories on Amazon. The belief and confidence in myself as a woman, mom, and coach is stronger because of Sally's  coaching support.

She is gifted, intuitive, funny, and one of the most extraordinary human beings I have had the privilege to know.


Author, Health Coach, Natural Foods Chef

Custom Coaching Package

I embarked on an acting project that required I memorize a great deal of text.  As a professional actor, this kind of thing isn't too unusual, but this production was larger than normal, which made for a much heavier line-learning load than usual. Rehearsal hours were shortened due to the nature of the contract I was working under, too. All this created extra stress during the rehearsal process. 

I sought out help from Sally after hearing hypnosis could be very beneficial in aiding the entire creative process, let alone the somewhat mechanical process of learning lines. 

What I hoped for turned out to be true.  Not only did the process of memorizing lines come more easily, I experienced more vivid dream imaging, and Sally was able to strengthen my own internal reassurance process by tapping into my own personal belief system and spiritual resources.

I had no previous experience with hypnotism, and wasn't going into it as a skeptic or as a true believer, just someone who wanted extra help with a difficult process that was causing some anxiety.

The sessions provided by Sally helped greatly in reducing stress both during rehearsal and performance.

I got what I needed, and I'm very glad I did it!!



Commonly Asked Questions

How can I tell if you're the right hypnotist for me?

I offer a complimentary 45-minute discovery consult for all new clients to find out if we're a good match for working together. Simply fill out my contact form or email me at support@drsallystone.com  to set up an appointment.

What's a Zoom session like and what are the benefits of working by Zoom?

Both in-person and Zoom sessions provide powerful results. I've found that people who are hypnotized using Zoom have the privacy to experience their session in a comfortable setting of their choice with the added time-saving convenience of not having to travel to their appointment. The convenience, comfort, and privacy lends itself to a very deep hypnotic state. The success clients have of working over Zoom enables me to work with people all over the US and internationally. Post Covid-19, I see clients both in-person and via zoom. 

I meditate everyday. Is hypnosis the same thing?

You’re not alone if you think a hypnotic trance sounds similar to meditation, but the goals of each are different. The main goal of meditation is to quiet the mind of thoughts. A sacred mantra or imagery such as a mandala or saint may carry the meditator to a higher state of awareness.

In hypnosis, a client may experience divine consciousness, explore their soul purpose, or investigate turning points, but a person may have other questions, which can be investigated via trance at the superconscious level and hypnotic regression.

You can regress to a current life memory, a past life memory, or even to Spirit using hypnosis, which can be a powerfully transformative and insightful experience. I like to think of hypnosis and meditation as close relatives.

What does it feel like to be hypnotized?

Everyone has a unique experience of hypnosis. Some people feel heavy and relaxed, other people feel light and free. Some people feel energy moving through their body and profound relaxation, release of concerns, and peak-experiences such as intense love, joy, freedom, or peace. Time changes in quality and may feel as if no time at all has passed during a long session. Heavy emotions may dissipate, revealing increased vitality and joy. Overall, there is a relaxed awareness similar to daydreaming.

Can anyone be hypnotized?

The common teaching is that anyone can be hypnotized except those with an IQ below 65 or 70, people who are chemically impaired, someone who is brain damaged or mentally ill, and people who don't want to be hypnotized.

A person has to want to be hypnotized in order to enter trance. A hypnotist cannot make someone enter trance against their will.

In my own experience, I hypnotized a person with mental illness to quit smoking. She remembered the hypnosis experience and successfully quit. All this being said, hypnosis is actually a very natural state that we enter all the time.

Common trance states include:

  1. Highway hypnosis: you drive somewhere but can't remember the drive at all. Or, you might be so "lost in driving" that you miss your exit.
  2. Watching a movie or TV or reading a book and getting so involved you feel like it's really happening.
  3. The state between waking and sleeping where you remember dreams, capture insights, receive creative ideas, or feel deeply relaxed is similar to hypnosis.
  4. Deep concentration and flow.
  5. Staring into space and entering a daydream.
  6. Getting lost in your imagination.
Will I do something in hypnosis that I don't want to do?

A hypnotist cannot make someone do something they wouldn't do otherwise. In a hypnosis session, your subconscious mind will reject any suggestions that don't fit in with your moral code and physical/emotional safety. My role as hypnotist is to facilitate a conversation with you to learn your intentions—what you most desire and experience in your life— then facilitate a session for you that ushers in that transformation. 

What is your training and background?
  1. The Wellness Institute: in-depth training in facilitating regressions and trauma release
  2. The National Guild of Hypnotists: in-depth training in developing individualized hypnosis sessions based on a client's unique blend of learning styles, language preferences, and resources. Induction techniques, history and development of hypnosis, approach for matching clients to best level of care.
  3. The Michael Newton Institute: Past Life Regressions and Life Between Lives Regressions
  4. Institute for Integrative Nutrition: in-depth health-coach training including the study of over a 100 dietary theories, a bio-individual to wellness, a whole-person approach to health and wellness care.

    My practice focuses mainly on spiritual hypnotherapy and regression. 

    I earned my master's and doctoral degrees in education at National Louis University. My doctoral dissertation focused on the psychological/phenomenological concept of "being seen."

Where are you located?

I'm located in a northern suburb of Chicago, Illinois.

My training with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition prepared me to support clients’ health concerns holistically from both a nutritional standpoint as well as lifestyle management.

RYT200, Registered Yoga Teacher Logo
Wellness Institute Logo

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